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2024 will be a Peak Burnout Year, Here’s How To Prevent It

Did you know that presidential election years are peak burnout years? We did, and this is why we have your back!

2024 is expected to be a peak burnout year for organizers. Election years where electoral work is added on to the neverending workload organizations are already engaged in. Additional workloads, hours of GOTV and canvassing, and the anxiety of the outcome are other stressors that can impact the wellness of organizers.

Activists, organizers, managers, and organizations need the information and the tools to recognize burnout and know how to take care of their staff during election years (and during off years). Organizer burnout is the reason many organizers step away from organizing and movement building work

In order to really win, we need to stop the culture of burnout and the turnover of organizers.

The Monarca Center is here to stop the culture of burnout and change the culture and way we organize as a fight for a new world. We can effectively shift the culture of burnout through education and awareness building. In 2022, we created a one of a kind popular education training series to teach individuals and organizations how to identify, prevent, and bounce back from burnout.

What is Burnout?

Burnout is a special type of work related stress.  It’s a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity. Stress does not equal burnout. Burnout is an outcome of having too much on your plate.

There are 4 types of Burnout: Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual 

Burnout isn’t a medical diagnosis, so it’s more difficult to identify and treat.

Here are a couple of ways  Burnout Manifests in Your Movement Work:

  • Lack of pleasure in role:  You no longer have the drive or satisfaction you had in your organizing work
  • Reduced creativity: You find yourself lacking creativity or producing new idea
  • Lack of energy & exhaustion: You lack the motivation to complete tasks or you feel too exhausted to complete your work

There is so much more information on burnout we have to share. Our workshops are 2-3 hour sessions that focus on introducing burnout and exploring our relationship with burnout by reflecting on our work and practice.

Interested in having your organization attend our burnout trainings? Contact us today to set up an information session.

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