Our center hosts quarterly healing workshops designed to create a safe healing container for frontline organizers, educators, and healing practitioners. Our healing workshops provide direct healing support to our members through ancestral healing sessions and workshops centered on learning healing modalities. We work with traditional healers rooted in spiritual integrity to provide healing support to our frontline leaders.
We believe healthy movements have deep roots. Our cultural work program focuses on centering art, culture, and ancestral identity. Our ancestral wisdom program works to restore, heal, and preserve our ancestral wisdom. Due to colonialism and white supremacy, many of us have been stripped from our ancestral and cultural identity. This impacts our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. Our cultural work program centers our collective healing through the preservation of our ancestral traditions, culture, and practices. We help preserve the culture of our people and movements through art healing, song, podcasts, and storytelling.
Our center hosts quarterly healing workshops designed to create a safe healing container for frontline organizers, educators, and healing practitioners. Our healing workshops provide direct healing support to our members through ancestral healing sessions and workshops centered on learning healing modalities. We work with traditional healers rooted in spiritual integrity to provide healing support to our frontline leaders.
The Ejercito de Mujeres bookclub was launched in 2014 and is a program rooted in our belief in community learning and healing. Our book club provides a safe container for frontline women to come together and discuss our quarterly book. Our book club selects books that help empower our organizers through book themes such as self-help, literature, movement autobiographies, and curandismo (healing).
We believe healthy movements have deep roots. Our cultural work program focuses on centering art, culture, and ancestral identity. Our ancestral wisdom program works to restore, heal, and preserve our ancestral wisdom. Due to colonialism and white supremacy, many of us have been stripped from our ancestral and cultural identity. This impacts our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. Our cultural work program centers our collective healing through the preservation of our ancestral traditions, culture, and practices. We help preserve the culture of our people and movements through art healing, song, podcasts, and storytelling.
We live in a time where our first amendment right to protest and assemble is slowly being stripped away. The monarca center for healing and justice provides education, training workshops, and advocacy on our right to free speech and protest. We work to train our members to recognize the importance of the first amendment and its importance in preserving a direct democracy. We work with our people to support their empowerment through know your rights education, cop watch and police liaison training, and skill-based practices centered on the right to protest.
We believe in the right to bodily sovereignty and self-determination. To truly reach liberation we need to protect the Civil and Human Rights that protect our rights as human beings. No lawmaker should create laws and policies that affect our right to bodily sovereignty and our right to privacy. Our center provides advocacy education on the right to reproductive rights and bodily sovereignty.